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Message from Hon'ble Vice Chancellor

It gives me immense pleasure to mark the formal launching of the Open and Distance Learning programme of Assam Agricultural University. This auspicious moment of a new beginning will be remaining unique in the journey of the university which has been proceeding towards the fulfillment of its goal of all round development in agricultural education, research and extension activities.

It is universally accepted that proper education is a catalyst of social change and the spread of education in a society is of paramount importance in developing countries. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system has tremendous potential for inclusive growth of education because of its distinctive nature of being user-friendly and capacity to reach the unreached. Since the establishment of the first Open University in our country in 1982, the ODL system has undergone paradigm shifts in approaches, contents, and delivery mechanisms. At present, ODL institutions are imparting education not only as an alternative to the formal system, i.e., education in conventional courses / programmes, but also offering need-based programmes in vocational, technical, and continuing education.

The ODL in agriculture and allied areas of our university focuses on fulfilling the needs of the masses and it can be potent enough to leverage the economic landscape of our state and the nation. This can only happen if the offered contents are meticulously curated to match demands, needs and future trends. ODL in agriculture and allied areas also has the challenging role of keeping pace with changing times. This would require constant innovative thinking and proactive actions on our part.

I sincerely hope that the AAU-ODL can prove to be another feather on the cap of Assam Agricultural University and it will act as the harbinger of a new dawn in the agro-economic vistas of the state.

Vice Chancellor
Dr. Bidyut C. Deka
Assam Agricultural University

Directorate of Open & Distance Learning
Assam Agricultural University

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